Robert F. Priddy, Core Competencies
If we work together, we'll discuss your core competencies. The preceding page might be considered an overly long "stump speech," but to work together you'll want to know more about my background than the typical 30-second pitch. Also, working together, you're going to rely on me to provide not only information and advice, but also, to contribute in writing your resume, providing content for your web, drafting your business plan and a variety of other "deliverables" as consultants refer to such material. As such, you want to know my core competencies, or what specific skills, accomplishments and experiences I will bring to your engagement.Business & Product Development: Developing new business, business plans, strategies, etc...
Value: Helping you evaluate and validate business ideas, develop business plans, proformas, business presentations for funding, operational/implementation plans and strategies.
- As a hospital VP created a variety of new product/service lines both from scratch as well as through internal reorganization processes. These included Women's Centers, an NCI approved Oncology Product line, Wellness Centers, Senior Centers, Occupational Medicine programs
- I have managed numerous medical practices and started more than a dozen from an empty office.
- I have developed and managed healthcare properties as the systems' landlord as well as for organizational use.
- While in the executive ranks with McKesson I was product line manager for the flag-ship product Ask-A-Nurse and I ran my own skunkworks and personally develop the product's first web site.
- Of course, I am the founder the third_Evolution, but I also started two precursors to this business, and I have been a founder in three other healthcare related startups. Two crashed, but that is the world of startups... certainly a message I share and discuss with clients. The other, Traverse Global Healthcare, was actively involved in exporting U.S. medicine to the world via medical tourism-focused surgical specialty hospitals and U.S.-based best administrative practices.
Media, Marketing, Advertising & Public Relations: Working in and with media, including major media, web and social media...
Value: More than a decade of developing corporate marketing, advertising and PR campaigns resulting in award-winning and results getting materials and programs. Developing web sites, demo discs, marketing presentations, marketing materials along with personal presentation materials and methods.
- Developed multimedia campaign raising the last in market hospital in recognition and awareness to number two in lest than 12 months.
- Created healthcare brands that have withstood the test of time in market dominance.
- Created number one website for physicians career transition (you're on it.)
- Developed product line knowledge and acceptance resulting in both the creation and growth of healthcare programming including oncology, urgent care, women's services, occupational medicine and more.
- My work has won numerous advertising and marketing awards in TV production, print advertising, magazine production and special media.
- Managing media relations for three hospital systems I not only established solid productive relationships, but I also created a Healthcare for Media educational program for reporters that positioned us as the go-to resource for verification of almost all healthcare related media content - even that produced by my competitors.
- In developing new products and services, I have produced award winning TV and print advertising, One comprehensive multi-media campaign elevated my hospital from fifth in market recognition to second over about an eight month period.
- I once produced a hospital newspaper with more than 100,000 subscribers.
- I ran a daily newspaper for three years serving as both advertising manager and general manager.
- And, I was a member of the Screen Actors Guild, once appearing in a national TV commercial for the Archer Daniels Midland corporation.
Organizational Development & Behavior
Value: Helping you evaluate organizations, your fit within and your mobility opportunities along with your own (entrepreneurial) organizational development goals and objectives.
- In different corporate settings my work has allowed me to work with and understand organizational underpinnings in north America, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe and Africa. Further, I current business initiatives in several of these locations.
- From medical staff development to product line management, I have been tasked with creating functioning organizations where such "organizations" did not previously exist. These activities have further included development in my direct organizational roles, usually starting with no staff beyond myself and evolving to a functioning department or business unit of between five and more than 150 individuals.
- Utilizing the Birkman Method as a objective basis, I have counseled and advised more than 1,000 individuals (mostly physicians) with regards to organizational fit, work focus and development and interpersonal and intra-group dynamics.