Feeling Stuck in Your Medical Career? You're Not Alone.

Change is Calling. I Can Help You Answer.

Are you a Physician yearning for a more fulfilling path? Does the thought of a career change leave you overwhelmed? I understand.

This website is your starting point.

Whether you're seeking a new practice environment, a complete career shift, or something in between, you've come to the right place. I specialize in guiding Physicians through successful transitions.

Considering a Change? You're Not Alone.

Are you a medical student or resident questioning your path? A mid-career physician longing for a fresh start? Perhaps you're an employed or independent practitioner seeking a better fit, or a member of a medical group re-evaluating your options.

This feeling of needing a change is common. I understand.

Who Are You?

Whether you're just burned out, haven't obtained your license yet, or are at the end of your career journey, your specific situation shapes your ideal next step.

We Help You Navigate Your Path.

At third_Evolution, I specialize in guiding Physicians through career transitions. I recognize that your goals and priorities are unique. My comprehensive approach considers:

  • Your Stage: Are you a student, resident, practicing physician, or nearing retirement?
  • Your Needs: Do you crave a work-life balance, a specific specialty, or financial security?
  • Your Options: We explore the full spectrum of possibilities, from clinical practice to non-clinical roles.

Find Your Perfect Fit. Let's Talk.

I offer a personalized approach to career planning. Contact us today and let's discuss how I can help you achieve a fulfilling medical career.

Stuck in Your Medical Career? Let's Find a Cure, Together.

You're Not Alone. You Need a Different Approach.

I understand. You're a Physician yearning for a change – a different kind of help. But with your demanding schedule, the question becomes: "What Non-Clinical Career is Out There for Me?"

Here's the Secret: What's out there is the wrong question.

The Real Question is YOU. What truly ignites your passion? What challenges do you crave? What impact do you want to make? This is where I come in. 75% of Physicians are Employed.

That often means limited control over your time, a precious resource for career exploration. But fear not! Change doesn't always require a complete job switch.

Let's Diagnose Your Ideal Career.

Together, we'll delve into your unique strengths:

  • Interests: What ignites your curiosity outside of medicine?
  • Skills: From leadership to communication, you possess a powerful toolkit.
  • Knowledge: Your medical expertise is valuable, but what else can you bring to the table?

Just like a doctor-patient relationship, this is about you.

Tell me your "symptoms" – the frustrations of your current role. Together, we'll find the cure – a fulfilling career path that aligns with your aspirations.

Ready to start feeling better? Contact me today.

Career Transition Services

Where do you want to go...
From Comprehensive Career Transition services or Focused Career Consulting to Coaching, a new Resume, Web site, Stump Speech or Business Cards... Everything you'll need... Call or Text: 720-339-3585 

Blog & Commentary

From issues to how-to's, the third_Evolution™ blog contains information to help you transition better, more effectively and more smoothly.

Contact Me

For a no-charge, no-obligation Hallway Consult. It's always confidential, talk, text and email. 
It's time for change.... let's go!